Spring is a great time for outdoor martial arts training. It’s warm, but not too hot. You can comfortably be outside for longer periods of time. But you don’t have to worry about overheating during your workouts too much. And the days are getting longer, which means you can squeeze in a post-work training session before the sun sets, too.
Outdoor martial arts workouts are fun. They’re refreshing. They’re an excellent way to shake up your exercise routines. Which will keep you and your muscles from getting bored or plateauing. And they’re a great option for anyone who doesn’t feel 100% comfortable training inside just yet.
But what kind of martial arts training can you do in the great outdoors? And what kind of martial arts gear will you need? We’ve assembled some of our favorite outdoor martial arts drills and cross-training exercises to do outdoors. And we’ve included some of our favorite gear recommendations to help make those workouts as safe and effective as possible.
Let’s take it outside!
Partner Grappling Drills
Outdoor grappling drills are a fun way to mix up or supplement your martial arts training. The workout that we are recommending below is made for two people. Or one person and a grappling dummy. But you can always add more people and more mats! You can even throw down a bunch of mats and have an open air open mat!
What you’ll need:
- 1-2 sets of jigsaw mats
- your martial arts uniform , or appropriate workout gear if you’re doing no-gi
- a timer
- a gear bag to carry everything in
The workout:
Start with 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching, light cardio, and/or warmup grappling drills (sit outs, hip escapes on the spot, and sprawls, etc.). After your warmup, pick 3-5 partner grappling drills. You can start with classics like triangle choke drills, arm bar drills, and knee on belly position drills. Or you can get creative! Set the timer for 3 minutes rounds if you’re training at a beginner or intermediate level, or if you’ve been away from training for a while. Go for 5 if you are ready for more of a challenge. When the buzzer goes off, change positions! Cool down with 5-10 minutes of flexibility and mobility exercises.

Focus Mitt Drills
Outdoor boxing training gained a whole new level of popularity during the pandemic. But the fun doesn’t have to stop as it becomes safer for more and more people to train inside again. Grab a training partner and some pads and enjoy the fresh air. And if you can’t find a partner, you can always shadowbox!
What you’ll need:
- boxing gloves (depending on personal preference, you and your partner can share a pair, or each bring your own)
- 1 set of focus mitts or Thai pads (you can also use a strike shield for this workout. It’s a little more awkward to carry, but it’s a good choice if you’re working with someone who is just learning to hold pads)
- timer
- jump rope, if you want to include skipping in your warmup
- a gear bag to carry everything in

The workout: Start with 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretches, jump rope, or light cardio. After your warmup, one person grabs the pads and the other starts with the gloves. The pad holder calls out a combination. (The combo can be as basic or as creative as you want.) Set the timer for three minutes and go! When the buzzer goes off, switch and repeat. You can do as many sets of this drill as you’d like, but we recommend starting with 3-5. Cool down with 5-10 minutes of flexibility and mobility exercises.
Medicine Ball Circuit
If you’re training somewhere other than your own backyard, medicine balls can be a bit challenging to carry around. But they’re worth the extra effort. Outdoor medicine ball circuits are fun form of cross-training exercise for any martial art. And carrying your medicine ball to and from your workout location counts as part of your warmup and cool down!
What you’ll need:
- medicine ball
- timer
- jump rope, if you want to include skipping in your warmup
- a gear bag to carry everything in
Start with 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching, jump rope, or another type of light cardio. After your warmup, choose 5 medicine ball-based exercises. (Options include, pushups with your hands on the ball, pushups with your feet on the ball, Russian twists, woodchoppers, swings, throws, and more.) Do each exercise for one minute. Rest for one minute. Repeat 3-5 times, with 1 minute of rest between each set. Cool down with 5-10 minutes of flexibility and mobility exercises.

Hill Repeats
This blogger used to train at a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym next to a park. That park included a very steep hill that was a popular destination for tobogganing in the winter. In the summer, it became the location of many of our warmups. We walked up. We ran up. We bear crawled up. It was hard, but it was fun.
One of the great things about hill workouts is that they come with a built-in recovery period. Going up the hill is your work phase. Going down is your active recovery!
What you’ll need:
- a hill
- appropriate workout clothing
- appropriate workout shoes, depending on the surface you’re working on and your comfort
The workout:
Start with 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching, jump rope, or another type of light cardio. (If you’re starting more than 5 minutes away from the hill, your walk there can count as your warmup.) Pick an exercise that is right for your goals and fitness level. Options include walking, running, animal movements, bunny hops, and squat jumps. Repeat between 5 and 10 times. Cool down by walking home and/or light stretching.