We all know that gear bags are one of the most essential pieces of martial arts gear. You can’t store and transport the rest of your important training and sparring gear without one, after all.
But not all martial arts gear bags are created equal.
Every martial art has its own uniforms and gear. Which means that some types of gear bags will be more suited to some martial arts than others. If you’re heading out to a no-gi jiu-jitsu open mat, for example, you might be able to get away with shoving a change of clothes and basic protective gear into a standard gym bag. If you’re getting ready for a boxing sparring session, though, you’re going to need a bag that accommodates your clothes, shoes, protective gear, gloves, and more. (And you’ll probably want a bag that helps you air it all out when you’re done.)
So how do you know what gear bag will best suit your martial art? This buyer’s guide is designed to help you choose the best gear bag for all of your training needs.
We’ll be looking at seven popular martial arts and combat sports, what you’ll need to pack for your average training session, and the best options to get all of your gear to the gym and back.
Packing List: boxing gloves, hand wraps, mouth guard, boxing shoes, boxing shorts and clothing, sparring and protective gear, a water bottle, toiletries, towel, personal items
Get the Bag: The ProForce® Ultra Mesh Bag is a 22” x 12” x 12” duffel constructed with Ultra Channeling Ventilation™ mesh fabric to help your gear breathe. Which means it’s big enough to carry all of your technique and sparring gear and open enough to keep it from getting too damp and stinky until you can air it out properly. It also features a front zipper pouch for easy access to all of your personal items.

Packing List: Jiu-Jitsu gi (or no-gi clothing), belt, rash guard, mouth guard, optional ear guard and other protective gear, flip flops, a water bottle, toiletries, towel, personal items
Get the Bag: The ProForce® Deluxe Expandable & Extendable “EE” III Backpack is a bag that can take you from no gi to gi with a simple unzipping. You can keep this 12”x16”x5″ backpack compact for easy transportation of your no-gi jiu-jitsu and submission wrestling gear, or you use expandable zippered side panel to increase the inside compartment size and fit your gi in, too. The front pouch is perfect for storing your personal items and mouth guard.

Packing List: Karate gi, belt, rash guard, protective gear, weapons and appropriate carrying cases (if you’re training with martial arts weapons), flip flops, a water bottle, toiletries, towel, personal items
Get the Bag: The Tournament Bag II is a 27” x 9” x 13” bag constructed with constructed with ultra-durable Cordura nylon fabric, which makes it big enough to hold all of your Karate gear and strong enough to carry it around. Its D-zip opening with a mesh top with a double-zipper allows you to open your bag wide enough to easily access everything you have stored inside — and it provides Ultra Channeling Ventilation to let your bag and gear breathe. Both ends of the bag have storage pockets with zippers that are great for holding your personal items, toiletries, and anything else you want to find right away before, during, and after training.

Kung Fu
Packing List: Kung Fu uniform, Kung Fu shoes, sash, other training clothes if necessary, mouth guard, protective gear, a water bottle, toiletries, towel, personal items
Get the Bag: Stylish and functional, the ProForce® UCV® II Mega Backpack measures at 19” x 16” x 8’’, which gives you plenty of room to safely and conveniently store all of your Kung Fu training gear and personal effects. It can be used as both a duffel bag and backpack and has reinforced handles and cushioned straps and back pads to make both methods as secure and comfortable as possible.

Packing List: rash guard and other MMA-appropriate clothing, mouth guard, MMA and/or boxing gloves (depending on your training), hand wraps, optional ear guard and other protective gear, flip flops, a water bottle, toiletries, towel, personal items
Get the Bag: The ProForce® Transformer® II Bag/Backpack is a deluxe expandable backpack that transforms your everyday bag from 20” long x 10” deep x 12” wide that can expand to 27” long. It’s made of reinforced cordura nylon fabric and has heavy gauge zipper teeth that will not split or break with metal hardware. And its features include vented front panels, adjustable and detachable padded shoulder straps, and seven zippered storage compartments.
In other words, it’s as tough as you are and will protect your gear while you’re lugging it around. It can air everything out until you’re ready to unpack it. And it’s both big enough and structured enough to store everything you’ll need for an MMA session — and keep it organized enough to find it exactly when you need it.

Muay Thai
Packing List: Muay Thai shorts and other appropriate clothing, boxing gloves, hand wraps, mouth guard, sparring and protective gear, flip flops, a water bottle, toiletries, towel, personal items
Get the Bag: The ProForce® Ultra Mesh Bag needs to make a repeat performance here. At 22” x 12” x 12’’, it’s big enough to carry gloves, sparring gear, protective gear, a change of clothes, and all of your personal effects. And with Ultra Channeling Ventilation™ mesh fabric panels, it’s breathable enough to keep everything you can pack in there as fresh as possible. Which makes it ideal for a discipline as gear-heavy as Muay Thai.

Tae Kwon Do
Packing List: Dobok, belt, other appropriate clothing, mouth guard, protective gear for optional sparring (including hogu, head guard, gloves, and foot protectors), flip flops, a water bottle, toiletries, towel, personal items
Get the Bag: The Sport Bag II is a 22” x 11’’ duffel bag made with abrasion-resistant nylon and heavy gauge zipper teeth and hardware that is designed to protect your gear as well as your gear protects you. It’s big enough to store your dobok, sparring gear, and protective gear. It has zipped pouches on each side for easy access to your hygiene products and personal items. And you have the option of ordering it with a Tae Kwon Do design printed on the side!