Karate uniforms come in three basic types: light weight (5 oz. and 6 oz. karate student uniforms), medium weight (7.5 and 8 oz.), and heavy weight (10, 12, and 14 oz.). Each weight has its own purpose and advantages. Heavy weight karate uniforms are tough and durable. This makes them a great choice for frequent and intense training and competition. Medium weight karate uniforms provide a balance between comfort and performance. But lightweight karate uniforms, also known as student karate uniforms, might be the most versatile of all.
5 oz. and 6 oz. student karate uniforms are designed and priced for comfort. This makes them an excellent choice for a wide range of martial artists, and opens up a whole new world of training possibilities.
So who should use a light weight karate uniform? And what can you do with them? Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of student karate uniforms.
They’re very affordable.
The ProForce® 5 oz. Karate Uniform ranges in price from $16.95 to $38.95 USD, depending on size. And that includes a free white belt! The ProForce® 6 oz. Karate Uniform is between $27.95 and 49.95. This makes student karate uniforms a great option for martial artists who are training on a budget. They’re also great for martial artists who are strapped for time. If you’re training and competing far more regularly than you can do laundry and other martial arts uniform care, buying multiple student karate uniforms and using them in rotation is a way to keep you and your karate uniforms fresh that won’t be too tough on your schedule or your wallet.
Student karate uniforms are great for kids.
The price of 5 oz. and 6 oz. karate uniforms also make them a solid choice for parents whose children are participating in karate. Heavy weight karate uniforms are excellent investment for martial artists who intend to use them regularly over a long period of time. Most kids won’t spend enough time in the same uniform to make that investment worthwhile, though. Student karate uniforms are a practical alternative for kids who are trying new activities and aren’t sure if they want to stay in karate full-time. They’re also a helpful choice for parents of kids going through growth spurts who might need a new size soon.

They’re great for adult beginners, too.
These benefits can apply to big kids, too. Adult 5 oz. and 6 oz. karate uniforms generally cost a little more than child-sized ones. But they’re still a very affordable choice for new martial artists who are curious about karate, but not 100% sure about their commitment. Purchasing a student karate uniform will allow you to try out the martial art in the comfort of your own uniform, in your own size.
Light weight student karate uniforms are also a great first step for people who have never trained in any kind of martial arts uniform or gi before. Jumping right into a heavy cotton martial arts uniform can be overwhelming at first. A light weight karate uniform can be a more comfortable introduction to the this new experience.
5 oz. and 6 oz. karate uniforms are perfect for summer training.
And some martial artists might decide that they prefer a light weight karate uniform, especially when things heat up. Some martial artists like to use a heavy weight karate uniform when it gets hot. They believe the stiff cotton provides better ventilation. But many martial artists switch to a lighter weave fabric when things get stuffy. If the heat gets to you when you’re training, a student karate uniform could be just what you need.
For more information on karate uniforms, weaves, weights, and fits, check out our blog post “A Guide To Purchasing The Right Karate Uniform.”