Asian World of Martial Arts and ProForce are the proud sponsor for the AmeriKick World Competition Team. It was so amazing to go to the U.S. Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championships in Orlando this year and see all the AmeriKick Team members compete and demonstrate how incredibly hard they have been training. What was really the most remarkable is the sportsmanship, support, and friendship the team members and coaches share with each other. With Jarrett Leiker as their Captain and Coaches Bob Leiker and Mark Russo, the AmeriKick World Competition Team members are:
Jarrett Leiker (Captain)
Becca Ross
Vincent Scarduzio
Michael Guthrie
Andrew Cabilan (CAN)
Stephen Grasz
Reid Presley
Nick Schneider
Luke Scott (UK)
Derek Meegan
Jake Presley
Cole Presley
Vince Little
Ariel Torres
Emma Teo
Mason Stowell
To find out more on AmeriKick or how to get involved you can visit the team’s website HERE
Asian World of Martial Arts and ProForce are looking forward to seeing the AmeriKick World Competition Team compete in their ProForce gear. We are wishing them the best of luck this fall in Spain for 2015 Unified World Championships and can not wait until the AmeriKick Internationals in March 2016.