Women’s Health: How Boxing Supports Your Goals

0 Posted by - June 20, 2018 - Training, Wisdom

boxing gloves for women

Are you a woman looking to get healthier — or looking to take your current health and fitness routines to the next level? Boxing might be just the thing you need to help you reach your goals.

The sweet science might not seem like the most obvious next step to make in a health and wellness journey. “Drink water. Get enough sleep. Get your steps in each day. Participate in mind/body work like meditation and yoga. Start a responsible and safe strength and conditioning routine… and then put on a pair of boxing gloves for women and then start punching” might not sound like the most logical progression as you work toward a healthier version of yourself. But boxing-inspired training isn’t just about stepping into a ring and fighting. From boxercise-based workouts that can be done with no equipment (or just a pair of boxing gloves for women) and no contact in the comfort of your own home, to therapy-based boxing training, to amateur and professional combat training, there’s a level and style of boxing-influenced workouts that can be built to suit almost any set of needs and goals. And finding the right one for you can provide you with an unparalleled mix of a full body workout, stress relief, and self-esteem building to make you look, feel, and be better.

Here are five ways in which boxing can support and improve women’s health:


1. Boxing training offers a complete, full-body workout that can fit into even the busiest of schedules.

Whether you’re shadowboxing on your own or preparing for a fight with the latest high end equipment and boxing gloves for women, boxing’s combinations of striking techniques, drills, and round-based training provides an almost unbeatable mix of strength-based exercises, cardio, and high intensity interval training that will target every part of your body  Even if you only have the time for a few rounds a day, regularly incorporating some boxing-based training into your routine can quickly have a positive influence on your overall fitness and health. 

2. Boxing training can be done (almost) anywhere.

Sure, it’s great to have access to some heavy bags — or a training partner who can hold pads for you —and a wide selection of bag gloves and boxing gloves for women. But you don’t need a fully stocked boxing gym — or even a proper boxing class — to successfully add boxing-based elements into your health regimen. If you don’t have access to a boxing facility or coaches — or if you’re not comfortable with that level of training — you can always start with a boxercise video from the comfort of your own home. All you’ll need are a few square feet of space — and maybe a pair of boxing gloves for women if you’d like to add some weight to your workout for better toning. Even if you don’t have gloves or aren’t ready for a full workout, you can still start by putting together a few rounds of shawdowboxing and adding them to your current workout plans — in the middle of a run, in between weight lifting sets, or even when you need to step a way from your desk and get your body moving for a little while at work. As long as you’re being safe and not bothering anyone else around you, of course. 


women's boxing gloves


3. Boxing training builds self-esteem.

The fitness benefits of boxing are significant. But the value of adding this type of training to your workout program doesn’t stop at improved cardio, tone, strength, and overall physical wellness. The idea of strapping on a pair of boxing gloves for women in the quest of a more confident you might seem a bit out there, but boxing can also have an incredibly positive influence on your mental health, which is a very important part of any good wellness plan. And one of the ways that it can help is by improving your self worth. Between the endorphin rush that comes with the physical aspect of boxing training and the better self image that comes with growing stronger and more capable, boxing has proven so powerful for women’s self-esteem that many charities, gyms, and outreach programs now run training sessions that have been specifically crafted to help teen girls and women improve their self-esteem. 

4. Boxing helps you develop mental clarity.

They don’t call it the sweet science for nothing. Working through the precise striking and blocking techniques involved in boxing training can sharpen your focus and help you develop better concentration both in and outside of the ring. So if you’re trying to develop your mental strength through a new challenge and activities like meditation, yoga, and Pilates aren’t really working for you, strapping on a pair of boxing gloves for women and going a few rounds just might be the kind of mind/body workout that you’ve been looking for. 

5. Boxing relieves stress.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed at work or anywhere else in your life, a little bit of boxing training could be exactly what you need to help you take the edge off. Going a few rounds will release endorphins, and those hormones can help you regulate your stress. Throwing punches can also feel fun and cathartic when you need to take your frustrations out in a safe and productive environment. And, if you like training with like-minded people, boxing training can also provide you with a sense of community that can help make life feel a little easier to deal with and enjoyable in the long run, too. So grab a pair of boxing gloves for women and punch the trials of the world away for a few rounds. Not only will you feel better in the short term, you’ll also be working toward developing a healthier body and mind that can help you better manage your stress in general.